The history of Confucius Institute at Francisk Skorina Gomel State University can be traced back to December 2015, when Rector of the University Professor Alexander Rogachev paid a call to Jiangsu Province on a delegation of business leaders of Gomel region. Nanjing University of Science and Technologies proposed a motion to establish Confucius Institute at GSU in order to develop the concept of “One Belt and One Road Initiative” (OBOR).

The application for Gomel Confucius Institute was sent to Nanjing University of Science and Technologies and forwarded to the Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban).

On April 1st 2016 Partnership Agreement on Confucius Institute establishment was signed by Nanjing University of Science and Technologies and the educational institution “Francisk Skorina Gomel State University” during an official visit of Professor Rogachev to Jiangsu Province.

The following fields of concern for Confucius Institute were defined:

  • to start Chinese language training for the students;
  • to teach Chinese in accordance with the established programmes, using multimedia programmes, Internet resources, etc.
  • to provide methodological assistance for realization of joint academic projects held with the assistance of Chinese institution of higher education (Nanjing University of Science and Technologies, Yangzhou University, Jiangsu University, Taiyuan University of Technology, Xuzhou Institute of Technology),
  • to teach Chinese at the different intensity levels and for various aiming groups,
  • to establish competitions and research conferences for Chinese cultural heritage studies and partnership relations between China and Belarus;
  • to organize Days of the People’s Republic of China and research work with the students of Gomel Universities, pupils of lyceums and gymnasiums, aiming at the development of their professional orientation and knowledge popularization in the sphere of sinology Chinese studies;
  • to organize students’ festivals and other cultural and educational events devoted to the People’s Republic of China.

Francisk Skorina Gomel State University has undertaken a commitment to lodge the appropriate rooms for Confucius Institute and provide it with staff members in order to establish effective performance of the Institute.

The following step in Confucius Institute organization was the Agreement execution between Confucius Institute Headquarters (China) and Francisk Skorina Gomel State University (Belarus) for Confucius Institute establishment at Gomel State University.

Fri, 02/22/2019 - 15:29